Saddler's Woods Conservation Association (SWCA) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to education, restoration, and research of Saddler's Woods, a 25 acre urban forest located in Haddon Township, New Jersey.
2nd Sunday Nature Tours
Dates: 4/13 10am - 12pm
Take a walk with Jeff Calhoun and learn to identify some of the wonderful changes happening this springin Saddler’s Woods. The walks will focus on itree buds, spring flowers and other unique attributes. Fee $15. Limit 15. Ages 12+ only. Please register in advance, tour will be cancelled if there are no registrations.
Now in our 5th year, Operation Goat Munch is slated to start on Sunday, April 27. We can’t wait to welcome back our beloved goats and get their help to reduce English ivy, poison ivy, and other detrimental invasive plants. To make the project a success, we will need a mighty team of volunteers for a range of tasks such as site prep and fence work, goat checks and public education. To volunteer email janet@saddlerswoods.org . Volunteers must be familiar with Saddler’s Woods and have had previous experience or training.
And if you are unable to lend a hand, money is always nice! Donations for Operation Goat Munch are greatly appreciated!
SWCA is a registered nonprofit organization under Internal Revenue Service section 501(c)(3), and all contributions are tax deductible as permitted by law.
Donate easily via:
Paypal PayPal.me/saddlerswoods,
And yes, we also take checks made payable to Saddler’s Woods Conservation Association PO Box 189 Oaklyn, NJ 08107. Thank You!
SWCA is a non-profit organization managed by an all volunteer board. We rely completely upon your donations, business sponsorships, and grants to fulfill our mission of habitat restoration, community education, and scientific research. Please consider donating today!